So Tuesday was my first appointment back at Huntington Reproductive Center. Cracks me up because my doctor's last name is Potter. No his first name is not Harry but each time I say his name I picture the famous boy wizard. And hey if he helped create the miracle that is B he is a wizard to us. The offiice is really nice, the staff wonderful, remember your name type of wonderful. But it's hard being there. A little easier this time because I have B. Looking around the waiting room I see the couples who I can tell don't have a B waiting at home. They are hopeful, anxious and scared. All is riding on them walking into the office and hearing, "yes, we can fix you." All the while on the inside they are a mess. It's a heavy place and I went alone. The older I get the more I realize I overcompensate when I am nervous. I was extra friendly, even accomodating after waiting over an hour to be taken back and I was crazking jokes. Huh? Oh how I love defense mechanisms! Inside I felt less sure. Questioning why I was putting my body through this again, were Mark and I selfish for wanting another child? Why wasn't B enough? And then I found myself in the same room where I had my first ultrasound and we saw B as a little bean. And I knew it was not that B wasn't enough it's that's she's everything and I want more of everything.
Anyways, I had my sonohysterogram. Basically he looked at my uterus through an ultrasound to make sure it was still healthy and in the same place. I'm proud to say my uterus is perfect. We have our IVF schedule and are all set to start injections Feb. 25th. That's a week from tomorrow. Wow. I wish it were tomorrow. When you are ready well you are ready....
Kristin, Im so happy for you to be starting this new journey! And proud of you for sharing! My prayers will continue to roll your way! xoxoxo - H