Well there is a lot of bed and very little rest in bed rest. I will not complain too much because most of you probably just worked at least 8 hours and still need to do the dishes. But lying in bed and getting up only to use the restroom for now what's been 28 hours is pretty uncomfortable. I have enjoyed indulging in my crappy reality shows saved on my DVR, almost finished Chelsea Handler's book 'My Horizontal Life,' finally responded to emails and read a few gossip magazines. This has all been very enjoyable. Having 'me' time with a toddler is well basically impossible while she is awake or I am home. So if this is how I can get it I will take it while I can which for now is until Friday morning.
So the question I have gotten the most since the transfer yesterday is, "how many?" The question itself is not the least offensive but what worries me is that some people might conjure up an image of octomom and there is no one who has done more of a disservice to ART (assisted reproductive therapy) than her. Well her doctor too. The answer is we transfered 3 embryos that were at the blastocyst stage. Mark and I are very comfortable with that number. As I've mentioned before we transferred 2 blastocysts with our fresh cycle and didn't get pregnant, we transferred 3 frozen blasts with B and got pregnant with 1 so we agree with the doctor that 3 it is.
Some clinics don't require bed rest. I am glad mine does. After this long, emotional journey a little self indulgence has been nice. My doctor recommends at least 48 hours which would mean it ends tomorrow at around 1PM but I figure I might as well extend it a few hours since I go to bed pretty early anyways :). Because the embryos were at the blast stage implantation will occur between 24-36 hours from the time of transfer so it's possible that has already happened. This is why they require minimum activity so that the embryos have an even better chance of cozying up and staying around for 9 months. No, this doesn't mean a pregnancy test would be valid. That takes at least 10 days but I will not be doing a home test and will instead wait until April 4th when I go for a blood test.
I thank those of you (you know who you are) who have checked on me, cooked for me, baked me yummy cookies, brought me flowers, cared for B, texted me throughout the day, sent me FB messages, etc. Your support means more than I can explain. I am grateful.
We all love you very much!!